
Women’s Club History

In 1987, seven women founded The Islands Women’s Club, an organization dedicated to building friendships and serving the needs of the community. The ladies all lived in Bayview I, and one of those ladies, Marjorie Combs, is still an active member of the Club. The first meetings were held at Islands Elementary School. From the beginning, the group had social and charitable events, and the Club flourished and grew.

In April 1999, The Islands Women’s Club held the first Easter Egg Hunt. It was a huge success with an estimated 235 children attending. The Easter Egg Hunt has been held on the Saturday before Easter every year since. This past year there were 12,000 eggs and over 800 children and parents who enjoyed this wonderful communtiy event. These ladies were there helping on that first Easter Egg Hunt and are still active members of IWC: Bev Lewis, Lorraine Moller, Jan Timmerman, Susan O’Connell, Martha Vasquez, Sue Kelly and Leone Gifford.

If you would like more information or to join the Women’s Club, please contact us: [email protected]