Islands Women’s Club

We would like to take this opportunity to tell you a bit about the Islands Women’s Club (IWC). The IWC is a social and philanthropic group of women who reside in The Islands. We meet on the second Wednesday of the month at 6:00 p.m. (between September and May) in The Islands Community Center. Our purpose is to provide a social gathering as well as some interesting and fun-filled meetings. This year our theme is “Celebrate the Islands.” A different island will be presented each month.
Our philanthropic endeavors change from year to year depending on member suggestions and votes. Our fundraisers this year are a Jimmy Buffett Tribute on November 2nd and a Mamma Mia party on April 5th. Money raised at these events will go toward helping our two charities Open Arms Care Center and ASANow.
All Islands women are welcome to join our organization and to participate in the many activities offered. These include book clubs, Bunco games, card games, luncheons, and pickleball, to name a few of the activities available. In addition to the monthly planned activities, there are many social events that include impromptu theatre nights, bus tours to local points of interest, holiday dinners, etc.
We strive to be a friendly and welcoming club of women with varied interests who enjoy being together. The cost to join is a nominal fee of $40 for the year. Please feel free to attend one of our meetings in any given month. Our first meeting for the 2024-25 season is on September 11, 2024.
If you need more information, please contact any of the 2024-25 Board members below.
Jetta Dailey (303) 947-6500 Co-President
Rae Ann Miller (480) 320-8554 Co-President
Lorraine Moller (480) 6501260 Vice President
Judy Brindle (858) 774-4717 Secretary
Melitta Fleming (786) 247-5724 Treasurer